5 Template Jawapan 'Reply' Terbaik Untuk Tolak Tawaran Kerja
# Pengetahuan Interview

5 Template Jawapan 'Reply' Terbaik Untuk Tolak Tawaran Kerja

post by Haziqah Muhamad

by Haziqah Muhamad

Jul 16, 2019
pada 10:28 AM

Alahai, kenapa baru sekarang dapat berita. Baru je mulakan kerja baru tak kan lah nak berhenti sebegitu sahaja? Macam mana ye nak beritahu pada mereka yang terpaksa nak tolak tawaran kerja tersebut? 

Korang semua dah terbiasa dengan apa yang perlu dibalas kalau mahu menerima sesuatu tawaran kerja kan? Tapi bagaimana pula kalau tidak mahu terima? Apa yang perlu dituliskan? Tak kan nak cakap "sorry tapi saya dah dapat kerja lain" macam tu je? Ini ada 5 templates ayat untuk dibalaskan mengikut situasi yang berbeza-beza. 


1. Jika anda tidak mencari kerja dan mahu menolak


Hi [Name],

Thanks for reaching out! This certainly sounds like an interesting job, and I appreciate your consideration.

I really love the work I’m doing for [Your Company] and am not in the market for a new opportunity at the moment. That said, if I find myself looking to make a change in the future, I’ll be sure to get in touch.

Thanks again!
[Your Name]


Jika anda ingin memudahkan proses pencarian pekerja mereka dan ingin sarankan calon lain yang lebih sesuai gunakn ayat ini, “I may have a colleague who could be a good fit for this role; would you mind if I passed your contact information on to them?”


2. Jika anda terbuka untuk peluang yang lebih baik

Anda selesa dengan kerja sekarang, dan masih belum terlintas untuk tukar kerja baru. Tapi rasa macam berminat untuk ketahui dengan lebih lanjut tawaran tersebut, atau rasa dilemma. Gunakan templat ini, jika majikan itu bersetuju terukan perbincangan, jika tidak biarkan sahaja. 


Hi [Name],

Thanks for getting in touch!

I’m pretty happy in my current role with [Your Company] and am not actively looking to change jobs, but I’d be open to discussing this role, as I never turn down a chance to chat about [compelling trait about the job description, e.g., software development or sales enablement]. Would it be possible for us to connect sometime next week? I should be available for a quick call on [dates and times that’ll work with your schedule].

Moving forward, you can reach me directly here: [your email address and/or phone number].

Looking forward to speaking with you!

[Your Name]


3. Memang sedang mencari kerja tapi bukan jawatan yang ditawarkan 


Hi [Name],

Thanks for thinking of me for this role! I am currently exploring new opportunities, but would ideally like to find a position that would allow me to [traits of your ideal position here, e.g., work from home, expand on my content development experience, step into the nonprofit space, earn at least $X annually, etc.]. It sounds like this particular role isn’t quite what I’m looking for, but do you happen to know of any other opportunities that may be a better fit? If so, I’d love to connect!

I’ve attached my resume for your review, and can be reached directly at [your email address and/or phone number] moving forward.

[Your Name]


Inlah contoh situasiyang ditekankan tadi, agar hampa jika syarikat idaman anda itu memberikan peluang pekerjaan lain daripada yang anda mahukan. Kalau terima mengikut hawa nafsu, kita sendiri merana jadi terpaksa lepaskannya dan tunggu peluang lain.

Templat ini lah yang sesuai agar nama anda tidak ditolak oleh syarikat tersebut jika memohon kerja di syarikat mereka kelak.


4. Jika anda memang berminat dan setuju dengan jawatan tersebut

Tak mahu digelar berlagak, sombong atau menggelenyang  untuk terima kerja tersebut, gunakan penggunaan ayat yang perofessional seperti di dalam templat ini :


Hi [Name],

This sounds like a really interesting opportunity—thanks for thinking of me!

As you probably saw on my profile, I have [X years] of experience in the [industry or job function, e.g., digital marketing or project management] space, and am particularly interested in opportunities that allow me to [relevant job duty/deliverable, e.g. leverage my creativity in a design-focused role or build new programs from the ground up]. Based on the information you’ve shared, it sounds like the role certainly could be a great fit!

I’d love to schedule a time for us to discuss how my skills and experience could benefit the team; would it be possible for us to connect sometime this week? I’ve included my availability below:


You can reach me directly at [your e-mail address and/or phone number]. Looking forward to connecting!

[Your Name]


5. Terus terima sebab ini sahajalah peluang keemasan yang dinantikan

Tuah anda dilamar oleh syarikat tersebut, anda berbesar hati untuk menerimanya, gunakan templat ini supaya anda tidak dilabelkan desperate dimata bakal majikan anda! :


Hi [Name],

Thanks for getting in touch! Based on what you’ve shared about this role, I’d be eager to learn more.

It sounds like you’re looking for an [job title] with [relevant skills/experience] expertise and a talent for developing [insert outcomes, e.g., unique and compelling marketing campaigns across a variety of digital channels]—that’s me!

As someone with [X years of experience] in the industry, I know what it takes to deliver [deliverables based on job description, e.g., flawlessly executed e-mail campaigns from start to finish]. In my current role at [Your Current Company], I [description of relevant experience and tangible results based on job description, i.e., guide the production and execution of 25 unique monthly email campaigns and have grown new lead generation by 50% in just six months].

I’d love to schedule a time for us to discuss how my skills and experience could benefit the [Company Name] team; would it be possible for us to connect sometime this week? I’ve included my availability below:


You can reach me directly at [your e-mail address and/or phone number]. Looking forward to connecting!

[Your Name]