How To Be Professional In Writing Email? -
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How To Be Professional In Writing Email? -

post by Aisya

by Aisya

Jan 5, 2017
pada 5:51 AM

Averagely people send and receive around 200 emails per day. That's quite a lot isn't it? But if you take a moment and think about it, actually it's not that shocking. Alright so you have a personal email, you subscribe to a few number of magazines or news portals, averagely they will send you newsletter right? Then you subscribe to music, online shopping, email from LinkedIn, all other social medias and there you go a couple of emails from your boss. So that figure 200 emails per day isn't that shocking.

So it's a basic knowledge to get to know about email etiquettes. You found yourself always replying email while during lunch or walking and even during any unimportant time. You tend to write roughly and discard all the basic manner as long as the message is there. You have to stop doing this. Read these 6 common email etiquettes:


1. Reply promptly

This is the part where everyone hates it. Is it necessary to respond promptly? Can we just reply whenever we want? When it comes to professional emails, make it your goal to respond promptly usually within one day business day. Even if you cannot provide the details needed by that person within that amount of time, you should at least respond to notify the sender that you have the received the message and read it. 

Never ever let the sender wondering and thinking have you get the email or it is still floating aimlessly. But still, you don't want to email quickly and neglect the quality. So be thoughtful and do you best to respond the email. 


2. Make sure you write the subject line

We have to admit that our email inbox keeps on receiving new emails until we somehow miss the important message. Subject line is not made for you to leave it blank, you have to write the subject line and be as descriptive as possible. Make sure you keep it professional and don't joking around like inserting "LOL" or any emojis.


3. Shortform and emoji? Big NO!

We understand how tempting it is to put cute emojis or use shortform words. You want to keep it brief and direct as possible but the point here is you have eliminated two traditional components in an email. It is common for generation Y to insert emojior replace any possible words with emoji instead. Email is not like texting your friends. This means you should skip the shorthand and acronyms like LOL, OMG, FML, and even Haha. Instead, write in a complete sentence. 


4. Be polite in greeting and signoff

Email is like you're writing a letter to your lover, your friends or anyone else. So how do you write the greeting? You can start your email with a super formal "Dear Ms/Mr/Mrs" or perhaps something more casual like "Hi, Sarah!" anything is up too you actually but the important part to remember is include the standard elements. Maintain the professionalism and please remember to signoff properly. Don't just let the email hanging without any proper signoff. Include "Thank you, (your name)." 


5. Be caution with your humour

Yeah we get it your sarcasm is charming and hilarious in person but in emails? People can easily conclude you as rude and brash. So unless you want to give a bad impression about yourself, you better be caution with your not so funny joke. You don't want to make it sounds a bit dry and dull isn't it but that does't mean you can blatantly be offensive. 


6. Proofread, proofread, proofread

1 in 3 emails that we receive everyday, there must be a mistake even if it is a small mistake. Be alert with typos or any grammatical errors. Any error makes the email looks sloppy and if you couldn't take time to spell the receiver name correctly, that's really bad. Proofread before you send the email. Make sure the attachments are all in correct files and most important thing, the receiver email.