Still Unemployed? Here’s 5 Reasons Why You’re Jobless
# Pengetahuan Pekerja

Still Unemployed? Here’s 5 Reasons Why You’re Jobless

post by Haziqah Muhamad

by Haziqah Muhamad

Oct 14, 2018
pada 4:45 AM

It has been 6 months you’re still unemployed and staying at home doing nothing. You're getting bored and putting on weight because basically, you have nothing to do. You did try to find a job, you did try, but ended up getting zero results. What did you do wrong? 

You may start panicking and worry about your future: will you be jobless for the rest of your life? Alright, stop being so paranoid and let's get spot the problem! Keep reading to see if you've ever done any of these mistakes:


1. You didn’t give 100% effort

So, you send a resume to one company and you expect to get a call? As simple as that? Job hunting is like playing the lottery, you try a couple of times hoping that one of your lottery tickets strikes the first prize. Remember, it's not an easy process so you have to try hard and try many times over. Increase your chances of getting a job by sending not one resume, but many more. 

Quantity is important, and so is timing. Always remember that it takes time for employers to look through hundreds of resumes. The moment they finally read yours, it might already be too late. So, mind your timing!


2. Rejecting all calls

How will you get a job if the hiring managers try to call you several times and get no response? Usually, they will give 3 chances for you to answer the call and if you still don't pick up, they'll move to the next candidate and assume that you're not interested anymore. 

Some people are paranoid to answer a call from an unknown number but you have to break the wall! Expect a call from hiring managers once you apply for a particular job. They're not serial killers, so you're safe. 


3. High expectations or too picky

You're a fresh graduate, unemployed for at least 6 months in this economic climate where it's difficult to get a job, and you still want to be choosy? No harm waiting for a job that you really like but that still has a limit. Just because the job couldn't offer you free parking and free lunch so you hesitate to accept it? 

There are thousands more job seekers struggling and competing with each other to get a job, so you should be grateful. Try to negotiate with them and think deeply before you make any final decision. 


4. Applying for the wrong position

This could be another reason why you're still unemployed. You studied economics and you're applying to be a graphic designer. It's really hard to get the job because your education background doesn't match with the position, and you don't have the skills they're looking for. 

Be realistic; hiring managers will usually search for a candidate who at least has background and knowledge about the position. If you do have the skills that they want, you need to emphasize that in your resume.


5. Too late for the follow-up

It has been several weeks from the day you applied for the job and only now you realize you need to follow-up? Honey, it's too late to say sorry. We have stressed many times that follow-up must be done 2 to 3 days after you send the application. Later than that is not acceptable and considered too late. So be mindful about this and try to change your habits.