How Do You Answer "What Is Your Greatest Strength?"
# Pengetahuan Interview

How Do You Answer "What Is Your Greatest Strength?"

post by Danial

by Danial

May 13, 2019
pada 5:15 PM

It’s often paired with the greatest weakness question. This question sounds simple, right? Simple does not mean easy.

Why do they ask this question? Because they want to know why you are the best-qualified candidate for this job. If you feel like you’re humble, don’t be humble, this is a job interview.

If you don’t tell the interviewers what your strengths are, they might not guess correctly.

Most strengths fall into one of two categories:

Soft skills (personal traits)

  • Hard skills (professional strengths)


    1. Soft Skill

    Soft skills are important elements of our personalities. The aspects of our personality that makes us do our job well and “fit” into on an organisation. We usually improve our soft skills as we gain experience and maturity.

    Different from hard skills, it is not easy to test the strength of our soft skills.

    You will need to find the soft skills that match the job you’re applying for. For example, you’re applying for a position as restaurant crew, so if you’re flexible (able to work different shifts and roles) you can say that you are a flexible person.

    Here are some soft skills that you might have:


  • Calm

  • Creative

  • Detail-oriented

  • Enthusiastic

  • Experienced

    Fast learner

  • Flexible

  • Independent


    2. Hard skill

    Having hard skills means that you have the technical skills required for the job. Usually, you need to learn these skills.

    For example, accountants are trained to use various tools, from spreadsheets to accounting software.

    By studying the job description, you should know the hard skills required for the job. The best strategy in a job interview is to share strengths that fit together with the job’s requirements.

    In a job interview, you can share your professional certifications and level of experience in your career field to demonstrate your strength in that field (and how you meet the requirements of the job).

    Hard skills can be tested or measured, though not ever interviewer will test you. After analysing the job description, make a list of the strengths that apply to you AND to the job you want.


    Answering The Greatest Strength Question

    The soft skill strengths are just as valuable to employers as hard skills, so don’t focus your answers to only the hard skills.

    Choosing Your Strengths

    You will make the best impression if you focus on sharing the strengths that have the biggest impact on the employer’s bottom line.  You should also share stories of relevant accomplishments when you share strengths. They are examples of your strengths.

    Three-Part Answers

    The answers to the  greatest strength question have three parts:

    1. The strength: Describe your hard skills and soft skills

    2. Proof of the strength: Share examples of the strength that shows that you are qualified for the job

    3. The strength’s relevance to this job: Connect on how your strength matches the company’s needs. Be sure to present strengths in terms of how they impact the employer.



    Remember to keep the answers short. Don’t talk for longer than 10 to 20 seconds. The interviewer isn’t interested in your life story.

    Focus on making it clear to the employers that you are qualified for the job, interested in the work, and a good fit for the organisation. Determine your soft skills and analyse the job description to see which hard skills you should mention.

    Are you ready for a job interview? Apply now with Maukerja and use your knowledge in answering interview questions!

    This article based on "What's Your Greatest Strength? 100 Possible Strengths Plus Sample 3-Part Answers!" by Susan P. Joyce.