"What Are Your Weaknesses?" How To GIVE The Right Answer
# Pengetahuan Interview

"What Are Your Weaknesses?" How To GIVE The Right Answer

post by Danial

by Danial

Oct 23, 2018
pada 1:53 AM

Let's be honest, a lot of people hate this question. Some people see it as pointless, not many people wats to reveal their biggest flaws in a job interview. It's cliche, but the reason why interviewers are still asking this question is that they know they are not going to get answers that are truly honest.


Why do Interviewers Ask About My Weaknesses?

The actual reason as to why they ask this question is that they want to know the real you, the good, the bad and the ugly. 

If you do not give an honest answer, your answer still tells them something about yourself. They will wonder whether:

  • You have a scary secret weakness that you do not want to tell (afraid of telling them about your CGPA?).
  • Your lack of self-awareness makes you think you are perfect (as in without a single flaw).
  • You think you're perfect because your standards are pretty low.

These are harsh, but that's the reality of the situation. It can be very difficult to talk about your weaknesses while trying to figure out if you're doing well on the interview.

But there's an honest and authentic way to answer the question.


How to Answer "What are Your Weaknesses?"

There are two parts in answering this question:

1. Choosing Your Weaknesses


2. How You are Working on it

You need to explain how you are already working on your weaknesses. Why? Because:

  • A great candidate is always looking for ways to learn and grow.
  • A fabulous candidate then takes the initiative to improve.

Use your weaknesses as a chance to show that you are motivated to be the best at what you do. This is how you truly show the positives when talking about your weaknesses.


Examples of Weaknesses You can Use:

1. Impatience

It's not just you, a lot of people are afraid of speaking to a large crowd. This person makes it clear that they have no trouble communicating in general. It’s just getting up in front of a big group that terrifies them.

The person goes on to describe how they identified the weakness and took proactive steps to improve.


2. Impatience

The person admits their flaw in being impatient, but through experience they have learned to change their approach. They found out how changing their approach leads to more effective results.


It is a tough question, but when you take the time to prepare a thoughtful answer, you can create a unique story about who you are and where you want to go.

As you answer the question, turn your weaknesses into challenges that you have overcome. These challenges that you have overcome can then be turned into the reason you’re the right person for the job. This article is based on How to Answer "What Is Your Greatest Weakness?" by Pamela Skillings.